Hey guys,


Hope everyone out in the real estate world is doing great. Yes, I am a blog slacker. Love to talk, but hate to sit down and type it out. (Goal for 2015: Blog More) We are finally getting into Fall Season! Well let’s just say, we are finally in October! It’s been raining for like a week straight and I feel like I live in Seattle. I am ready for some true Fall temps, and leaves, and SUNSHINE!!!

Ellie bored looking out window at rain.

Ellie bored looking out window at rain.

Make sure you are staying on top of your gutters during the leaves falling. Clogged gutters not only look ugly, but they do damage. You want the water to flow, AWAY from your home and crawl space. Someone once told me the gutters and crawl space is the red headed step-sister of a home! People neglect it, but it will be a major factor in causing problems in your home. Foundation problems are probably one the worst things that scare buyers off when you are trying to sell a house. Keep the water out and divert it away from your home. It’s not, typically, even that hard. They make gutter extenders the attach to existing gutters and direct the water away. DO IT!

As for the market, it has slowed slightly, rates are still great and listings are starting to finally hit the market. We have a little more inventory. YAY! If you were looking this Spring and Summer, BOY was it CUT THROAT! It was stressful on buyers and almost too easy for sellers. Well now, it’s time to take a breathe and get back out there. It’s not as crazy, and frankly, I am thankful for it!

If you are thinking of buying or selling, it is a great time to make the move. Let me know if I can help you!