I am from a town in North Alabama called Scottsboro. It’s a fairly small town, maybe 13,000 people. Walmart is a big deal. High School Football is followed. People enjoy life. I love going home. Scottsboro is a nice town on the Tennessee River at Guntersville Lake. People travel there mostly to fish and golf.

Scottsboro’s other claim to fame is Unclaimed Baggage. I can go anywhere in the US and people seem to know about Unclaimed. It’s a store where your luggage just so happens to go if you lose it on an airplane. We have grown up with it. Heard stories about great finds, found a few ourselves too. I once heard about a lady buying a box of TIDE detergent only to get it home and open it. It was filled to the rim with Cocaine! It was a new sealed box. How was she to know? And YES- she turned it in to the authorities. Art work is another good find there. Salvador Dali’s have been known to pop up as well as other sought after collections.

Many treasures can be found. If you think about it, when you go on vacation, you take your nice clothes. Some may even be new with the tags still on them. That is a lot of what you find at Unclaimed Baggage. So what else you gonna take?  An iPod, a camera, something to read. YEP! All that is there too. Stacks and stacks of books, cameras, Nooks. Anything that you lose and never claim is there. Many of the lost items are from cargo planes. There is definitely some oddities laying around this store.

Here is an article I came across randomly this morning on MSN.com about Unclaimed Baggage. It was odd that I saw the post to begin with so I think it was a sign to blog about it….

Here is the link- ENJOY!
