Belmont/Hillsboro Village
Belmont- Hillsboro Village is located 3 miles Southwest of downtown. It is a VERY walkable neighborhood. This area is in very close proximity to Vanderbilt University, Belmont University, and Music Row, making it a great location for local nurses, doctors, or music execs. There are many shops and restaurants available here, such as Jacksons, PM, and Fido, a long time Nashville favorite. The Belmont Hillsboro Area is sometimes categorized with 12 South. Both are close and somewhat blend into one another.
Hillsboro Village, just a few blocks from Vanderbilt is a very chic, hip area, mostly lived in by younger age groups and many students. It is a centrally located area on Hillsboro Road, a major street in Urban Nashville. One of my favorite places in Hillsboro Village is the Belcourt Theatre, which shows independent movies, documentaries and has various music performances. Belmont Blvd is the main road running along the Belmont Neighborhood. There are many historical homes that have been in Nashville since pre-Civil War. This is a lovely area of big houses and gardens alike. Hillsboro Village and Belmont are in very close proximity of one another and in certain spots, almost overlap. This is a great area to drive around and appreciate home craftsmanship. Home prices in this area start in the $400k range.