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Real Estate changes for 2024 begin…
Sept 4th, 2024 If you landed here because you've heard information about commission changes in the real estate world, you're in the right place. As of August 17th, 2024, real estate agents representing sellers are no longer allowed to market any type of compensation...
What to expect in this 2023 Market
I hope you are off to a great 2023! Right now, the market is a bit slower than it has been in the past few years. Honestly, after feeling super busy for so long, the slow down has been sort of welcomed on my end. It's nice to have time to play catch up and get things...
Worried about how COVID-19 is gonna affect real estate? Is this the start of a recession? Is the world ending?
Worried about how COVID-19 is gonna affect real estate? Is this the start of a recession? Is the world ending? I think everyone can agree that 2020 has not been the best year so far. To be frank, here in Nashville, It's SUCKED! Make that Tennessee for that matter....
Movers in Nashville? Channel 5 News offers up “Who’s the best moving companies.”
I am often asked about moving companies and really I wish I had a go to. I have heard the good, the bad, and the ugly. One of my best friends had her refrigerator door handle broken off, when she moved back from being out of state?! I mean how much force through a...
If your home hasn’t sold yet, it could be the price.
Wow what a Spring! The market has steadily remained busy and moving. Homes are still moving at rapid paces in many areas of Nashville. These days if your house is on the market more than a couple weeks, people start to wander, "What's wrong with it?" The answer?...