Here is a few good reasons people are relocating to Tennessee at rapid rates, according to the Tennessee Association of REALTORS®!
Why Relocate to Tennessee?
We all know Tennessee is a great place to live and work. The state’s Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) features facts and stats that bolster the case on the Business Climate area of its website. Among other information, the site includes a quick list to share with anyone who might be considering a move to Tennessee:
1. No personal income tax on wages and salaries.
2. A right-to-work state.
3. A long history of fiscal responsibility that crosses party lines.
4. Lowest state debt per capita in the country (The Tax Foundation)
5. Second lowest state and local tax taxes paid per capita (The Tax Foundation)
6. Triple A-rated, with our most recent bond sale at the lowest interest rates on record.
7. Successful overhaul of our tort and workers compensation laws.
Are you thinking of moving to Tennessee from another state? If you would like to purchase a home in Middle Tennessee, please call me at 615.585.2638
Source: Tennessee Association of REALTORS®